Monday, May 6, 2013

10 more things for this rainy Monday!

11....I Missed Hot Yoga
So I got Coffee......

That's the same thing right?!?! Then I came home and did Yoga.....I mean I am certified :)

12.I started using Spotify. Any tips or things I should know I would LOVE to hear! I'm sure I am missing out on some cool features.

13.EXCITING THINGS ARE COMING!!!!! I can't give out too many details but there are some exciting things coming so make sure you have liked my Facebook Page and please share it with friends! I am REALLY super excited for things coming!!!!

14. I had a FABULOUS Saturday morning Body Pump Class and then I got to grab a quick cup of coffee with this amazing lady!
AMAZING Start to a day!!!

15. We are starting 2 new small group training teams at Midlothian Athletic Club. They are both 6 week training programs with 4 different sessions a week! 

               TRX Sessions will be Coached be either myself or Tracy Brooks 
Train like you've never trained before to get results you've never had before!

Grit Sessions are 30mins down and dirty training....Check out this video to get a taste of what you are in for.

We have rates for members and non-members! 
I'd LOVE To train with you! Sessions Start May 13, 2013!!!

16. I took this picture of Ava the other morning
            It made me think of mario brothers 

You see it too now don't you :)

17. So I was most excited about being the fashion show to get my make-up done because .... well I don't really do all that much. I was excited for someone to make me look gorgeous...let's just say they failed. The only other time I have gone to have someone do my make-up and hair I couldn't wash my face fast enough....SO Anyone know an AMAZING make-up artist? I would love to have someone do my make-up and break this awful streak I am having! Or even if you are great at it and want to make me over I'll provide wine :) Just thought I'd throw it out there!

18. I am Beyond SUPER DUPER EXCITED for my Body Jam class tonight!!! This Rainy Monday is in need of some good booty shaking!!! We have ways for non-members to join us ( Class Cards are AWESOME!! ) Message me I would SOOOOO love to dance with you tonight!

19. True Fact: If I don't finish this soon I will miss my daughters school bus!!!!

20 Very Important! 
 So to all the fine-ass Nurses I know
Happy Nurses Week!!!



  1. Amy.. I can do your makeup!!

    1. I like this idea but first who are? HAHAH :)

  2. You know Aleen is a master hair stylist, make-up and nail artist. She said she will totally hook us up with great deal since we are on her wrap team - we can make it happen!
