Sunday, July 15, 2012


The Push-up Challenge....Are you Ready?!?!

Here's the challenge

7 days of Push-ups

50 Push-ups a day
(They can be split through out the day & done the many various ways)

Starts July 16th

That's it plain and simple.

The challenge was actually started on FB, "Push-ups Against the Trend of Obesity"
If you are a Facebooker, Join the Group

I'm not one to really jump on the bandwagon for silly Facebook games and such. However take something I am passionate about, (i.e. fitness & heath ) and add it to the fact that the town I live in was just named the 2nd Fattest City in the country ( Check out an article here ), In the Fattest nation in the developed world ( 10 Fattest Countries in the Developed World ), and I am IN!

Who's with me?!?! I'm not ok having my kids grow up where obesity is the normal and the quality of life is compromised because of it. If I can do something to encourage even one person to get moving then I will scream it from the roof tops (or in this case my blog). 

So Starting Tomorrow Push-ups for EVERYONE. No excuses YOU CAN DO THEM, there are always options! What have you got to lose?!?! :-) 

Who's with me?!?!


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