I can't say for sure what got me started thinking about this, but this video has replayed in my mind more times then I can count....
If you need to grab tissues I will wait.....
Ok, So I know for 100% truth that I would NEVER draw myself accurately. How would you do? I will be the first to say I am queen of being hard on myself! I promise I will critique and criticize myself more in the time span of 30 sec then you could if you dedicated your whole day to it....And I am probably not alone!
Think about it, how many times do we think, "oh I don't look good", or "I did that wrong", or "I'm an awful parent", "I'm no good at _______ , ect ect ect".
I know personally I have struggled with this since I can remember. I battled anorexia as a teenager, then swung the other direction and developed all sorts of messed fucked up eating habits. Self esteem has never been my strong suit and probably the thing that drives my husband craziest about me.
Why are we not gracious to ourselves? Why is it so hard ( especially for women ) to be kind to ourselves?
As I look into myself more, I want to learn to be more gracious and kind to myself, but how? How do I teach my girls to be kind to themselves? To think highly of themselves? The times I do take for myself I end up feeling selfish and like I need to make it up some how.
I often hear women complain about how mean other women can be and I probably would have jumped on that band wagon with you.... But I am blessed and have some fabulous women in my life who think more highly of me then I have ever thought of myself. They always show up at just the right moment with a hug, a smile, a laugh, or just someone to sit with and breath.
This morning this beautiful woman .... Whom I am just starting to get to know!
Saw me in the locker room, took a second to ask how my day was, LISTENED, and then said something that meant the world to me. "Be kind to yourself you are a busy woman and you need to be kind to yourself"
Really those words could be said over and over again to numerous people and perhaps it wouldn't have had the affect it did on me today. But today it hit me right to my core. Why at 9:30 am when I have already been up for over 5 hours, and got more accomplished then most people do in their whole day, am I beating myself up that I haven't gotten more done or better.
I don't know how, but I am finding a way to see myself more accurately. I want to be able to draw myself correctly and not this distorted view I have created of myself. I hope you know your worth and your beauty both in and out. And if you are in the same boat as me, let's find some higher ground together!
very well said Amy...you are a beautiful person, inside, and out. We should all be more kind to ourselves.