Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello April! My weekend in Charleston

Happy April! 

I have so many things I want to write about and I am tempted to try and squeeze it all into 1 blog. But that would be awful! 

1. Way too much info in 1 blog
2. Ridiculously sporadic and would have no flow 
3. I sat in the car for way too long yesterday and I am not sitting around all day!

So Let's see what I cover this morning!

My Trip to Charleston was great as always! Seeing my family is the best thing ever, especially when they are super awesome like mine! 

The weather wasn't awesome beach weather but that's ok we had plenty of other things to keep us going all weekend long! 

Friday we played all day and since Steve and the girls were tired from traveling the night before they took afternoon naps and I was able to sneak away for some much needed sister time! 


So The three of us went to Earth Fare ( I think that's what is was ) grabbed a snack ( because we can always eat! Right ladies! ) and this older guy starts to walk by us and then says rather loudly " OH Lordy we have Twins...AHHH 3 of them!" ( Say it in a really good southern accent to get the right affect) Once clarifying we are not twins, but yes sisters, he proceeds to stare at us to try and decide who is oldest. This is not a rare happening we seem to be some rare exhibit of similar looks and beauty ( Hahaha ) that people feel is perfectly fine to stare at! As this man walks away he yells make sure to take a picture for mom on Easter I am sure she would love a picture of all the twins. All the Twins, what does that even mean?!?! HAHAH! So we laugh it off as usual and carry on with our eating and sister time! 

After lots of chatting and laughing and seeing a man in really tight pants walking WAY Too happy we head out to stop at another grocery store to pick up food for dinner.

 I will say Steve Malia and Ava went completely off the diet this weekend, but let's be honest - there was a complete melt down ( on Steve's Part ) On Wednesday after a fish taco dinner.... Long story but the short of it was - he heard Taco's instantly thought of all the "yumminess" of cheese and Greek yogurt on top ( we stopped using sour cream years ago and replaced it with plain Greek Yogurt, if you eat dairy this is a healthy alternative! ) So instead of the taco's he had in his head we had Fish Taco's on Corn Tortilla's - Which NOBODY liked the tortilla's ( I didn't try them ) - The Girls and I enjoyed the Fish Taco's ( once we removed their tortilla's ). Which I was way proud of, they included Tilapia, Shrimp, fresh home made mango salsa, cabbage and avocado with a side of "Spanish Rice"  Quinoa. 

Steve was NOT a fan and spent the rest of the evening ranting and raving about how he will NEVER eat anything good again! So I washed my hands and said eat what you want ... at least for this weekend! I can't see the point and forcing someone to eat in a way they don't want. It's not always easy and so why force someone to do something they don't want! 

But I got off track ( See I really have so much to write about....)

So My sisters and I stopped by the store picked up dinner ingredients and headed back to the house. I only mention this because Stacy headed back to the store MUCH later that night and picked up something and was stopped be 3 different people we never spoke with who stopped her and said weren't you in here earlier with your sisters? WHAT?!?! So freaking STRANGE!!!!

Dinner was Soup and Salad and Pizza for the boys and kids. The best part of dinner was right before when Melissa and Billy FINALLY told Malia and Ava they are having a baby! 

There was lots of squealing and the girls can't wait to be big cousins! 

After dinner we headed to the bowling alley for some fun! I wish I had taken pictures because it was great! Made even better by the really drunk old man next to us doing the moon walk and other great dance moves! 

Saturday we headed out for and EGGStraveganza with the most chaotic Easter Egg hunt EVER! There was also some tree climbing ( and little kid saving thanks to Billy! ), moon bouncing and LOTS of walking! 

Followed by Lunch at Mellow Mushroom

I believe there is one coming to Richmond soon ( if it's not already here) but if you have never been you should try it out! There were options for everyone! Gluten free pizza, Vegan pizza for Melissa, a protein packed salad for Stacy and the normal regular pizza options as well! SO Delicious! I actually had a huge plate of hummus with LOTS of veggies I was so stuffed I thought my stomach might pop.... Luckily it didn't'!

We spent the afternoon relaxing and resting before heading out for dinner ( Sure seems we eat a lot ! ) I forgot to take pictures of dinner but I had a delicious green curry with chicken. I forget the name of the restaurant (  Billy, Mel, or Stacy feel free to comment ). We have been there before and it is always delicious! Dinner was fun of course ..... 

Dinner was followed by a riveting game of clue where Malia fooled us all! Then we crashed after watching a little Jimmy Fallon with Justin Timberlake!


I LOVE that combo! SOOOOO Funny!

Easter morning Stacy Mel and I snuck away for one last sister coffee time. Then headed back to pack up and hit the road. I was hoping to get home early but got stuck in AWFUL traffic and it took us almost 6 hours just to get through NC. I took pictures of me pouting while parked on 95 for over an hour but I didn't think I looked great hahaha.... Ava did learn how to whistle on the drive home, LUCKY LUCKY US!

By the time we pulled in we were all car sick and tired of sitting! We ordered Chinese food for dinner. We have a place close by that has a great "Diet" section so I got steamed chicken and veggies and added my own seasoning when it got here. I crashed early because I had GRIT at 6am!

I had a wonderful time with my family and I miss them more than imaginable already! Count down to seeing them again had already begun!

Happy Monday Friends!

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