So I propose that Monday's will now be 20 random things about this weekend, what's going on, things on my brain ect ect,.... In no order whatsoever.....
Let's see how this goes....
1. I Tried Hot Yoga this weekend.
First time for everything and since my challenge is to add some yoga in my life, my dear friend and I made our way to an 8:30am Hot Yoga on Sunday morning. It was hot!!! there was a really fit woman in a very little bit of clothes that I swear I tried not to stare daggers at!!! ( But REALLY no one should look like that! ) and a not so fit guy in only swim shorts I was happy to avert my eyes....! I loved loved loved the class and can't wait to go back!
2. I'm kinda freaking out this week over Choreography!
So I teach several Les Mills Group Exercise classes and we have our big launch coming up next week. Learning all the new choreography and keeping it straight always kills my brain. So if I seem brain dead over the next week please forgive I am in choreography overload!
3. I am rather disturbed by my daughters choice of dress up clothes....
Those boots were immediately removed . She didn't understand the issue ... " it was just her favorite ballet outfit and her favorite pair of mommy's shoes".....I'm going to need a really good boarding school!!!! 4. I watched the Fighter last night....
5. I drank a lot of water yesterday....
6. I am SO glad the weather is finally warming up!!!! I'll take this weeks weather!!!!
JUST ALLERGIES STAY AWAY!!!! ...Hey a girl can hope!
7. I went Grocery shopping with my BFF....Apparently I am a bad influence while shopping....
I just felt the need to point out lots of yummy foods! :) So much more fun to go shopping with a friend and no kids
8. My dinner was better than your dinner! No questions about it!!!
Grass fed slow cooked ribs, garlic mashed cauliflower, and peas! Everyone is the house LOVED dinner!!!!
9. I read a book
I enjoyed it! and am going to give it a try....The Whole30 anyone want to join me? I start today!
10 (OMG how am I only at 10?!?!) I'm really hungry for breakfast and I can't think past the number 10 at the moment ....
11. Already got my first workout in for today! Taught GRIT (Click on the link for an awesome video!!!) at 6am this morning! My body wasn't quite ready for it, but pulled it out anyways!!!! Those are the best workouts!
12. I am having a debate with myself on if I should open all the windows. Most of me says yes, the itching eyes and sneezing side of me says HELL NO!!!
13. We went for a walk yesterday!
Well the girls rode their scooters but it still counts!
14. I know way too many people with the stomach virus.... Please stay away!
15. I really want to be right here .... Right now!
16. You all should mark your calendars to join me on April 22nd at 6pm for a dance party to benefit Relay for Life! If you would like to join our team for the actual Relay for Life event it is on May 4, 2013 and our team is called "MAC Attack" we would LOVE to have you join us!
17. The healthier I eat the more I want to go grocery shopping! So if anyone would like to contribute to my shopping and cooking addiction I will happily cook for you as well! Seriously we should chat! I am so in love with cooking now!
18. I admit it I am ADDICTED... to food journaling and my food journal app Lose it I won't bore with you the details of my addiction but seriously I have a problem :)
19. (almost done! ) Boiled eggs are my nemesis!!! Don't believe me?!?!
Can you see how awful those turned out?!?!
I have tried ALL The tricks in the book, I usually just end up screaming dirty four letter words. Today I will attempt them in the oven 1 more time.... Go ahead and let me hear your tips on boiled eggs!!! PRETTY PLEASE!
20. YAY I DID IT!!! I couldn't decide how to finish...Food something, hot guy, yoga something....SO....
There is a point to this picture.... other than to smile :)....
I can't do my hands like that behind my back... I did it once last week and now my wrist refuse to bend that way....I blame the 3x's it's been broken...
Happy Monday! Have a great day!
I can't take credit for this so here's the link! Works every time!