2. Launch this weekend was SO much fun! If you don't know what Launch is let me educate you ....
Every 3 months Les Mills provides ( for a LOVELY fee ) new choreography and music for their classes. So we at the gym do a big Launch Day to highlight all the new releases. So I launched this weekend with these lovely ladies!

Thank you Ladies for a fabulous day!!!
3. I was up ALL night with a tummy ache and my spider bite won't stop blistering at night and itching all day....Stupid!!!!
4. I meant to do a weekly wrap up of all the food I made this week....and it was good! But I ran out of time and I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I should have! I will try to do better this week!
5. I found these little delightful treasures
OMGOODNESS!!!! They are AMAZING!!!! I have only found them at whole foods which is a good 30 min away from me! My bank account is rather pleased about this distance between us! If you ever want to get on my good side....I'm just saying!
6. My Yoga trainer challenged me to give a compliment a day. It really does make a difference.... Try it! Give 7 compliments this week! It won't hurt you I promise! It may be a little awkward at first but the reward it totally worth it!
7. I unfortunately missed this little ladies birthday party
Happy Birthday Little Emma! Can't wait to dance with you again! Littlest Body Jammer EVER!
8. My Girls took an ENTIRE week to clean their room. Finished it LATE Saturday night, but 12pm Sunday it was a mess again .... SMH!!!
9. On a good note....My girls both brought up all their grades on their report cards!!! WOO HOO!!!!
10. Analysis Paralysis Have you heard of this? Where you do nothing cause you have too much to do and don't know where to start, ect.... I fight this all the freaking time. Why when I have too much to do do I want to just sit there and do nothing?!?!
11. Malia found out Grandma is coming for her birthday party.... I heard Woooo HOOOOOO for at least a full minute!
12. This lady gave me the nicest compliment this weekend! And I haven't stopped smiling about it!
13. One last time I will invite you to come dance with me for Relay for Life. It's tonight from 6- 7:30pm and open to everyone! Grab your buddies and come dance with us!
14. I'm so glad they caught those stupid bombers! Now I will run and run and run for all the runners who can't anymore!
15. I watched this yesterday .... I LOVE this movie.... especially the songs!!
16. I need a good book to read that will provide me with lots of life inspiration.... Any one got anything?
17. There was a Yoga Flash Mob on Saturday I desperately wanted to go to but it just didn't work out. Did any of my yoga friends go? I'd love to see pics!
18. I went to 90 min candle light yoga, I thought it would be relaxing, NOPE holy shoot I was wrong!!!!
19, Happy Birthday to this lovely lady! You ALWAYS bring a smile to my face as soon as you enter a room! You are an amazing woman! Happy Birthday!
20. Shoot I needed to leave for work 2 min ago....More later friends have a wonderful day!
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