I have seen 8,342,643,643 NO November list! I hate being told NO I hate not having options and a whole month of NO seems awful!
So my November is NOW November! Not putting off my right choices. I'm making the right healthy choices NOW, not on Monday or tomorrow or after this cupcakes...RIGHT NOW! ( PS I'm not really eating a cupcake its only 9am!)
So this is my plan and I have at least 3 ladies joining me on this NOW journey!
These are my choices I will be making! Feel free to join me or comment with your own! We'll support each other the whole way through!
I will only eat real food in its most natural forms sticking mainly to Vegetables, Whole Clean Meats and Fish, Nuts, seeds and Fruit. Basically I will be adhering to the Whole 30 guidelines 98% ( Simply left 2% for new knowledge to shape my decisions. )
I am more then happy to give you suggestions and help along with way!
MY Goal ( BUT We all know how good I am at blogging )
Is to at least get a few recipes and blogs up a week. Also if we have enough interest I will start a FB group to help support our NOW decisions!
12- I ate 12 different vegetables yesterday ( and I may have repeated some more then once ). I'm very proud of myself. I use to struggle to get all my veggies! And, well 12, That's a lot of veggies AND I LOVED them!!! How many did you eat?
October is Breast cancer awareness month ( in case you've been living under a rock :) )
It just so happens that I was scheduled to have my 1 year check-up from breast cancer at the end of September ( so pretty close to October ).
So on 9/18 I headed off to my appointment, expecting to get an all clear. Instead we found another lump in the same spot. Proceed through some test since then and fast forward to today when I head in to the doctors today to speak with a specialist.
However for (at least) the next 30 days I will be on Tamoxifen as a precautionary measure for areas that are "concerning".
Excited for my GREAT news and will be even more excited when I am through the next 30 days.
Typical Amy style is to keep this to myself and carry on as if everything is normal, SO I am sharing it instead. The other way is too stressful, lets try this. :)
That's all I have time for today, Launch at the gym is quickly approaching and I have so much choreography to learn it scares me!
“Never underestimate your ability to make someone else’s life better—even if you never know it.”—Greg Louganis
The past two days, or perhaps even longer but my brain has finally caught on for the past two days, we never fully realize how much our actions OR lack of actions affect people.
I don't really think about the fact that day in and day out my neighbors see me go in and out early in the morning to train clients or workout myself. I've been doing this for years now. However this morning as I walked out I realized we now have 4-5 neighbors all leaving same time as me in gym clothes.
Did you workout when you were pregnant? You don't know how many stories I have heard from people that said, 'well I saw so and so working out while they were pregnant and it really inspired me to workout through my pregnancy as well.'
Or how about just by living your healthy lifestyle others begin to make small changes.
I know simply from talking about weight loss some clients have seen my own family has started to discuss their health changes and weight loss with me every time I see them.... I LOVE IT!
YOU are an inspiration or perhaps even a FIT-spiration!
So those days you just don't want to, DO IT!
You never know who you will inspire! Who's life will change because of you!
On the flip side...has someone inspired you or motivated you and you've never told them?
Imagine how incredible it would be to go into a class one day and have someone say,
'by the way, you inspire to go heavy on my weights?'
'Thanks for leading by example.'
There are so many opportunities to appreciate people.
SO to all the many many people who inspire me daily, Thank you!
I am blessed to be surrounded by amazing professionals, athletes, and novice. But each group pushes and challenges me in new ways.
To all those people who lead by example and ate clean before my brain grasped the importance, to those who showed me how to improve and pushed me even though I didn't want to! I am STRONGER today then I have ever been because of people pushing me, even when they didn't know it!
I think I can get this done lets jump right to it ( I'll be honest a little nervous with anticipation! ).
1. Getting Gritty!!!! Last week I had the pleasure of presenting #LesMillsGrit to the ladies of Lululemon.....
What you ask is GRIT??? Check out this video
#Lululemon Ladies
They killed it!!!!!! Killer start to the day!
2. Infused water. Do you love it as much as I do?
My favorite right now is a big mix, lemon, limes, cucumber, and mint!
So refreshing I have to fight my girls for it. What's your favorite?
Ava has created her own.... Orange juice and watermelon.
She loves it!!!! I mean L.O.V.E.S it!!!!!
3. Afro Circus! Yep that's exactly what I meant to type, Afro Circus and I am not talking about Madagascar 2 ( although my head is signing the da da dadada Afro Circus...)
All the Jammers know I am talking about BodyJam 65 Afro Circus.
G ( our crazy program director ) has yet again provided a great release that the members are Loving!!!!
For our launch week we like to wear snazzy outfits and have fun! So I took my girls shopping with me, I was shopping for me and another instructor so we text pics.....
how much fun did my girls have hahahah!!!
4. Summer Dinners! I LOVE summer dinners! They are never over filling fresh and delicious! I let Ava chose dinner last week. This was her choice! What a smart girl!!!!
5. Are your kids making you do this ...
You are not alone. I took my girls up to the pool yesterday and had a lovely chat with a sweet friend and co-worker who was literally saying the thoughts I've been having all week!!!!
Why am I ALWAYS yelling at my kids?
Where the %#$@ did their common sense go?
Would you just stop for a min?!?!
Are you serious?
Would you two stop arguing?!?!
Hello Summer you are truly in full swing!
So maybe be a little kinder to the moms you know. They are ready to pull both their own and their children's hair out. Give them a hug or even better a strong drink!
6. A New Recipe I want to try a new recipe a week....Seems totally doable, but I know me, this is going to take some effort! I have quite a few I have been wanting to try but if you have something I should give a try or try to put a healthy twist on it I'd love your suggestions.
My most recent experiment that turned out AMAZING.... Hawaiian Pork.
I am not a pork fan normally but this is so delicious! I made the most amazing sliders yesterday with this....Recipe on Friday!!!
7. Congratulations to Jim!!!! I have to give a big congrats to my PT client Jim. We have been working together for 3 years and the transformation is mind blowing! When we began working together A sit-up and/or push-up was not even a possibility on the table! Saturday we "Celebrated" dropping below 200lbs by introducing burpee's into his workout ( Did I mention he is over 60 years old?!?! ) There have been few people I have met in my life who have worked harder to turn their health around! Congratulations Sir! On to our next goal... Mr. Universe?
8. Touching Emails....8 is a direct result of 7 being mentioned on Facebook , I received an email from a friend .... Well here read it.....
I want to thank you for all your help on loosing weight... i started in Jan.. trying my ..so i thought hardest ..to loose 55 pounds before my 2nd wedding anniversary.. so there was a day when you told me that the MAC had a free week for anyone. So I went 3 of those 7 days and the 1st time i went.. well... u had the hardest work out #BODYCOMBAT... it was fun and YES I was sore for a week after but that did not stop me... I bought things for the house to do work outs at home.. and I just want to let you know because of your positive attitude You made me strong enough to loose weight.. I started out in Jan. at 190.. i am now down to 141 and the happiest person I have been in years... I did it because I wanted to show myself and others that it is not hard and IT DOES TAKE A LOT OF TIME AND WORK.. BUT U CAN DO IT.. thanks again Mrs. Lady (AMY) for all the post on a daily to keep my mind going and to try new things to help me out.. my goal was to be 140 by June 18th and i was at 144.. now im 141.. 3 weeks later and I'm going to go ahead and loose that pound just to say I DID IT!!! thanks a bunch You are AMAZING!!!
WOW That makes my heart smile!!!!
9. LAUNCH WEEK so much fun but OH so Busy!
I know I have talked about Launch Week before but it is the week at the gym where we introduce all new choreography, moves, and music. It's a fun and stressful time for the instructors as we usually LOVE the new stuff but stress ourselves out learning it. We make a big deal and team teach with other instructors and invite guest to come try the classes. So last week was ours and it wasn't without its glitches which required extra work and some scrambling, Over all it was a great launch and I think both the members and the instructors are feeling the affects of the new stuff!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on the new releases and/or how your launches went!!!
10. 6 week clean eating Challenge
You should join me on this 6 week challenge where we will support each other and get healthier together!
11. Exercise of the week!
Introducing the exercise of the week!....Try to do this exercise each day 30sec 3x's
This awesome little wrap takes only 45 mins and will help slim your waist line, and just TIGHTEN everything! only $25!
14. Jack Johnson
I entered a lottery to win the chance to buy tickets for Jack Johnson's upcoming tour, he is going to be in DC on my birthday how perfect and meant to be is that?!?
Apparently not because I didn't win :( But I still love Jack and my girls have decided this is our summer song and we need to listen to it every day!....
15. Baby Shower
We are deep in the middle of baby shower planning for my sweet little sister
It's a co-ed shower and if you have any brilliant ideas that worked great we won't turn them away!!!
So my crazy little ladies have had a busy summer! Last night Ava came out in the kitchen to give me a hug and said....can it be bed time yet? That NEVER happens!!!
Then she followed it up with this....
Ava "Mom wouldn't you like to win 5 tickets to NEW YORK!?!?!" ( With the BIGGEST eyes you have ever seen! )
Me " Well sure"
Ava " Well if you eat danimals you can win so you know let's eat danimals and go to New York" ( With a little shoulder shurgg that meant OBVIOUSLY!! )
OH kids and commercials!
Last night was swim meet and while it is a LONG night, I enjoy them!!! All you other swim team parents and coaches can shake your heads at me, but I enjoy the activity and all the swimmers giving it their best. I think the support is amazing and I just love to watch my girls have a good time. I am sure I will get tired of it eventually but all I have to do is look at them all excited for their swim meet and I can suck it up!
This is how swim meets go for us ( or at least last night )
Get there at 4:30 and wait :)
Eat a little dinner.... and then get all decorated for the meet
Last night Ava came over with about 4-5 friends and they all wanted my markers....after they colored all over themselves they ran off....Hope their mom's didn't mind LOL
Then meet starts at 6 and we didn't leave till 9pm last night. Like I said LONG night but so much fun!!!!
I know not every one will be interested but for those who are here are a couple links to videos of their races last night.....
Well I had more to talk about but I need to get my little ladies up to go see a movie with Grandpa. Did you know Regal theaters has movies for $1 every Tuesday and Wednesday morning?!?!
Hello to anyone who may still be reading this and Hello to July where the hell did you come from???
So my week with no kids did not turn out as planned, instead the stomach bug from hell hit me and I was out for most of the week. If there was an award for distance of projectile vomit this girl would be the winner hands down! I also learned that if I ever wanted to teach a really hard core class I should simply make the class dry heave they will be sore as #$%@ the next day!!!!
Ok, well that sucks that I got the stomach flu while my kids were gone, but look at the bright side, they didn't get it. Nope they still got it 😞 First Ave the night before we drove home from South Carolina. So her and I were up all night. Trying to make it to the bathroom while not waking up everyone else in the house, and not always making it ... it was a long night with NO sleep and I do not do well with no sleep.
The next morning we met Stacy for a farewell breakfast. Every 3 minutes Ava and I were running to the restroom. While at breakfast we had to say farewell to some favorite Cinderella underwear as the stomach flu from hell decided to start escaping from both ends of Ava's little body.
After breakfast we hit the road, 7 hour car drive would be totally fine with things coming out of both ends of Ava. Thankfully Ava fell asleep as soon as we hit the road and slept for the first two hours, She suddenly woke up and said mom I need a bathroom, ... and so the next 2 hours of the drive continued... and then she fell asleep again! Malia was amazing the whole car ride! Around 4pm Ava woke up and said I feel all better and asked for something to eat.
Phew... back to normal life.....Thursday, was a normal day ... busy, as I was playing catch-up, but it was a good day. As we were putting the girls to bed Thursday night, we made plans that after swim team in the morning we were coming home and cleaning the girls room.
Friday morning....., hurry girls get up, swim team then cleaning day!
"Mom, my stomach doesn't feel good."
Me, "Malia you're not getting out of cleaning."
"I'm not mom I promise my tummy just feels weird." .... Off to swim team we go.
Come home, "girls change, grab a snack, I'm running out to the car then cleaning"
As I come back in Ava greets me at the door " MOM MALIAS throwing up!!!!"
"Thank you Ava I can see that from the three piles down the hallway!"
Poor Malia was down for the count!!! Cleaning went out the window and sick child parenting was in full affect!. Have I mentioned how well I do when my plans get screwed up?!?!
Thankfully we can now say that the stomach bug from hell is behind us and we are enjoying a busy summer with lots of pool time! In fact swim team 4 mornings a week means I will be trying to wrote while waiting at swim team practice....
So today work started at 5:30am and has already included 2 Grit session and running around like a crazy woman getting stuff done, shower breakfast back to the gym for swim team ( almost over ) then errands, work meeting, trx class, personal training session and then BodyJam launch....and that will be my Monday.
The past few weeks have been crazy busy and have simply flown by before I knew what happened!
So hello again.
Our girls
are visiting their aunts and uncle
So Steve and I spent Saturday hiking and doing this...
We stopped to eat at this place right in the middle of Charlottesville. Their food was all local and their beef was grass feed . Winning!
After a tough and fun Body Pump class before 4 hours of hiking I think we earned our lunch!
Since the girls are gone this week. I plan to play catch up on my blog, among a million other things. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to hear about!
1. Today is about remembering those who have scarified everything! This day is always a hard day in our house as we know lots of great people who's lives ended abruptly for the freedom of others. To two of our close friends who we miss every day. RIP
Thomas Echols
Justus Bartelt
And to those who are left behind to carry on without their heroes
We will always remember!
I know that was a heavy way to start but today deserves it!.....
2. This week I was working on my computer and took a screen shot....
Blogging, Body Jam and Music.... I love everything on this picture! Well except G's shorts...is anyone else with me on those things??!
3. This week I got the opportunity to judge Dance Team tryouts with two other lovely ladies....We had more laughs then anyone should have in a day and apparently if you want to be a good dance judge you need to show up with coffee....
4. Malia lost another tooth this week as a result of a (gluten free ) chocolate chip cookie. The tooth fairy will be going broke at this house!
5. Can I just say my girls are trying to bring the jean jacket back.....
They Make it look good!
6. So it swim suit time....and I made muffins I can't stop eating...This is not good for my pool look!
7. Our good friend Tyler came over to hang out....I think he got more then he bargained for....
Although from his smile I am pretty sure he had a good time.
8. Perhaps the best moment of the week.....
Getting drunk at lunch on a Wednesday always makes the week better! Thank goodness for such great friend!
9. I would like to wish the Happiest of Birthdays to one of the sweetest and most sincere ladies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing! And I am doubly blessed as I get to work closely with her! Thank you so much Melissa for being such a great friend! I count myself blessed to know you! Even if you kicked my butt in class today!
10. While on the discussion of work .... I LOVE my job! I walked into spin the other day and found this sign one of the members had made just to mess with the instructor....
Don't worry she retaliated with her own sign for the class objectives... #3 being to make Dave throw up and then proceeded to leave a trash can in front of his bike!
Really I have the best job!!!!
11. So our building is getting painted and the painters covered our windows with paper. By the 4th day of no sunlight I was going crazy so Steve gave me a little peak outside....
I REALLY wish I could have seen the painters face the next day they climbed the ladder .... hahahaha
12. If anyone has a young child who they need a brilliant Halloween Costume for ( yes I know it is way early ) Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do this!!!!
Took a nap with Ava this weekend....Although doesn't really look like she napped much!
Training teams start next Monday! DON'T miss this opportunity! All the attention of personal training in a team environment so you can all cuss your coaches together! You will see results in your fitness! Email me with any questions! amcneil@macrichmond.com Let's make this happen for you!
15. Since I have already invested two hours into kicking my butt today I am off to lay by the pool with great friends and perhaps partake in some sips....
This week included Cranberry Brussel Sprouts, Omelets, Beef soup, Pasta with meat sauce, and Chocolate Pudding! Yes the pudding is delicious AND healthy!
So who doesn't like some pancakes on a weekend morning! Who wants the overly full feeling and to have that nagging voice in your head - should you REALLY have had ALL those pancakes and with ALL that syrup?!?! AND BUTTER!?!? Well sometimes the answer needs to be a really loud YES!!! This recipe saves me every time! Let's think about it- I'm eating 3 eggs a banana and little coconut-I'm ok with all of that! I'm even ok with spreading a little coconut butter on top and topping with fresh fruit or 100% maple syrup! The pancakes are a little denser then traditional pancakes but you are FULL and oh so satisfied!
Beef Soup
Beef Soup
Beef ( I prefer grass feed no shit added to my cows organic beef -there is a world of difference! )
Chop all the above up
I added 8 cups of water ( adjust accordingly to amount you are making )
Let simmer for a few hours
I put fresh Kale in my bowl and then spoon the soup over top. Let it sit for about 5 mins and the broth flash cooks the Kale and makes the perfect soup. You of course can add other things peas, potatoes, okra, squash .zucchini. ect. I love to take all the veggies I can find and just throw them in. Always turns out delicious!
Cranberry Brussel Sprouts
Cranberry Brussel Sprouts
Put Cranberries, Burssel Sprouts, & Coconut oil in a large bag and toss
Put in Pan
Bake at 350 for about 20-30 min.
Top with walnuts and cook 5 more minutes.
TaDa some of the most delicious brussel sprouts EVER! In fact +Seo Kelleher couldn't stop eating them!
So my last recipe to share this week is
Chocolate Avocado Pudding
I know it sounds nasty and you want to make this face
But really its delicious! And without a side of guilt how can you go wrong?
You need:
1-2 Avocados
1-2 mashed bananas ( not overly ripe, i.e . don't save your rotting bananas for this )
Coco powder
a dash of vanilla
dash of coconut milk
Honey ( the amount is up to your taste buds )
Combine all ingredients together in a food processor, and enjoy!
I wasn't sure what to expect but 1 bite and I was all
This stuff is even kid approved
Chocolate Avocado pudding and strawberries!
So this week while I was cooking I had 3 major thoughts...
1. One of my favorite and least favorite parts of prepping food for people is cutting the peppers. Always takes the longest! But it is by far one of my favorites when it is done
Call me weird but I love all the colors! Perhaps one of my favorite things about cooking is all the brilliant colors and watching them come together to make something AMAZING!
2. Cooking can be quite the workout. Just from cutting up this steak
My forearms were THROBBING! ( I use scissors to cut most meats, I've been doing it since I was a nanny easiest way to get things bite size for kids and it is just habit now. )
3. Am I brave enough to post a picture of my fridge?!?!
This is right after my morning of cooking....
Anyone else brave enough?!?! I dare you! :)
Have a great weekend! And If you have any wonderful recipe ideas send them my way, I'm feeling creative!